T3 Suite

Train the Trainer (T3) Suite is designed for use at F&I Agencies and TPAs.

Product Highlights

Designed for use at F&I Agencies and TPAs, the Train the Trainer (“T3”) Suite is a subscription of individual user licenses that can be used and moved on a short-term basis by Agents and TPAs to aid in presenting F&I Training classes and in dealership Income Development activities. 
T3 is the full suite of AutoTrainer and ComplianceTrainer software that can be used in F&I classes for role play presentations and grading, as well as AI-enabled role playing.
At the dealership level, using T3 for income development purposes, a license can be used with an F&I manager on a short-term basis to demonstrate proficiency in both the F&I process and compliance. Once that F&I Manager shows proficiency, the Agent may then reassign that license to another F&I Manager.